Coaching: The Value on Your Return is Legit Priceless. Nothing an Hermes bag will give you.
Sep 10, 2022

Let’s get real and talk about the coaching industry. The coaching industry including the psychology world has taken some interesting turns throughout its existence. And the amount of knowledge that isn’t being tapped into by people, that will change their lives, is mind blowing to me.
Why are people so resistant? Why do people love to stay so comfortable, even if being comfortable doesn’t serve them? Honestly, it’s not “THEM,” it’s their brain. It’s called being stuck in a habit. And as we all know habits are hard to break.
Coaching has been an incredible tool that has helped some of the most amazing public figures including Oprah, Steve Jobs, Serena Williams, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Justin Bieber, Tom Cruise to the likes of LeBron James and Tom Brady excel into their success. That’s quite a lineup. Included in this lineup are notable equestrians: Anne Kurinski, Mclain Ward, Jennifer Gates, and Adrienne Sternlicht. The lineup just keeps going.
But, why aren’t you in that lineup?
Coaching is the behind-the-scenes secret, that few talk about. I see athletes who don’t want to share that they’re being coached, and or amazing people tell me they hesitate to share that they see a coach, because of the suspicious looks.
Coaching is controversial, only because there is not much transparency around it. Also, like many other markets, you have individuals who proclaim results with a specific specialty (e.g. sports, business, entrepreneur), but have never been or achieved results as an athlete or entrepreneur. Consequently, providing empty promises such as giving you results of record wins or taking your business to 50K by next week. Additionally, the other controversy regarding coaching is that many coaches don’t obtain either formal education or real-life experience. How do we establish a credibility framework? Or do we?
These are all questions everyone is asking. But, at the same time, this is what makes coaching so powerful. The ability to be a visionary in developing relationships with each other that are specific to supporting us in achieving our dreams! That is pretty incredible. To have someone on your side who supports your potentiality. That is a gift.
Not all coaching is created equal. And not all self-proclaimed coaches know what they’re doing. And it lands on you to find a suitable match. I say this, being a consumer myself. I have sat on both sides and still do. With all things before you purchase, tap into your gut and if you are feeling pulled in a direction… there must be a reason. Not all of my healers/coaches have had degrees. Others have. And they have all come to me at different times in my life, for different reasons. Just because you sign up with one. Does not mean you have to stay with them forever. Usually, they will catapult you to get ready to be ready for the next one for the the next phase of your life.
Do I have a framework or do they just meet my “gut instinct” standards? Well, honestly it depends on the situation and what my needs are in that very moment. I will be honest and transparent. I work currently with 4 different healers (that doesn’t count the ones I’ve worked with in the past) that ebb and flow. That doesn’t include the 2 business consultants/coaches in the past, and the numerous amounts of books, online trainings, and online courses I have taken. Not to mention the years I dedicated to my degrees. I think there is incredible value in working with experts who can help you navigate life. For each one I work with, I have chosen to work with them based on if their “expertise” matches my “needs” and “criteria.” Sometimes, I have wanted them to have a specific degree and other times a “specific” life experience.
Here are 8 questions I ask myself and would encourage you to consider before working with someone:
- First what am I struggling with and is this coach in this niche?
- Are they credible (Do your research!)?
- Does this person speak your language (Do you vibe with them)?
- Do they have something to offer you that makes you excited to work with them?
- Are you “available” to work with them? Do you have the time to fully immerse yourself to fully expand?
- Do they bring something “new” to my life and “expand” me to open myself to new ideas/experiences?
- Are your expectations and their expectations for your goals in alignment?
- And lastly, does your “gut” say “yes!?”
The value on your return will change your life. Yes, there are enough self-help books out there. And yes, you can do it all alone. And yes… and yes.. but, there are costs. There are opportunity costs that come with doing it alone. And yes it might be a financial commitment, maybe you have to wait and not buy yourself a fancy outfit or cut back somewhere in your life, but at the end of the day, that is all temporary. The question is: what are YOUR PRIORITIES. Seriously, you are going to chose a bag over your brain? Your brain, your health or that thing that will bring you temporary satisfaction.
It really comes down to your priorities. I have had people tell me innumerable excuses of why NOT NOW. Ok.. fine. But, you’ve dealt with your anxiety for how many years now? How much longer do you want to live as you are? Think about all the opportunities you have missed because you were unable to receive? Does that not get you fired up?! And mad!? And want to change?! Life is short. Life is fleeting. Tomorrow is NOT guaranteed. Nor is your health.
The human experience is incredibly valuable and choosing to work with someone is personal, no matter your reasons. Ultimately, even if the “coaching” world is crazy busy and you don’t always know who to work with, just breath. And then decide where your gut leads you. I have never regretted working with coaches and experts, because the growth has always been exponentially invaluable. The value returned is beyond that I could ever imagine.